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“Catatan Seorang Cendekiawan”, Yang Arief dan Budiman

by admin

“The first is what I would call loan democracy. This democracy exists when the state is very strong so it can afford to be criticised. A sort of democratic space then emerges in which people can express their opinions freely.”

Tipe pertama disebut demokrasi yang dipinjamkan. Kalau negara dalam posisi sangat kuat, maka tak mempersoalkan banyaknya kritik. Siapa pun bisa dan boleh menyatakan pendapatnya dengan bebas. Lalu lanjutnya,

“However, when the state thinks the criticism has gone too far, it will simply take back the democracy that it has only lent. The people have no power to resist.”

Namun manakala kritiknya sudah keterlaluan, ya tinggal tarik kembali demokrasi yang tadi dipinjamkan itu. Dan rakyat pun tak punya daya untuk menolak. Kemudian tipe demokrasi selanjutnya,

“There is, second, limited democracy. This democracy exists only when there is a conflict among the state elites … People can criticise one faction of the ‘powers that be’ and be protected by the opposite faction … However, when the conflict within the elite is over, this democratic space will probably disappear also.”